Cosmic Energy

Note to reader: If thou believst that this post hath information regarding ‘the big bang’, ‘supernovas’ ‘galaxies’, ‘black holes’ and ‘white holes’, I beg pardon my friend, to inform thee that this post most sadly doth not have particulars upon those subjects. If thou hath read my previous post, it will be evident that I tagged this post in such way to lure thee here. However, this post still doth have details upon the cosmic energies of the world and our minds. I do urge thee to read on, even if thou wilst complain in the comments’ section below.


Now that that’s done, let’s get to the actual post…


Ideas are fascinating. They’re a burst of cosmic energy in your head. That’s pretty cool, huh? Cosmic energy bursting in your head and everything. Usually I forget how I encounter new ideas. But last Saturday, I was smart enough to actually write down how I came across the idea.

The idea was for a writing competition. (I suppose it was obvious that it was for writing – this blog is an attempting author’s musings after all…) I’d been stuck for a month or so you see, and started writing on a forced idea instead. Those are the ones that you try to get from rubbing two sticks together desperately in need of the cosmic energy, but all you do get are sore hands, and if you’re really lucky a burst of small flame. Last Saturday, however, I came across cosmic energy in the middle of a street.

The thing is, recently my father and I haven’t been on good terms, but we hadn’t been on bad terms either. It’s just that I feel annoyed whenever he talks to me because it feels as though always lecturing me. So, when we went to pick up pizza from the store together, I half snatched the boxes from him. (I was actually trying to accomplish two things by doing this; one was to make sure he doesn’t have to carry anything, since I don’t like people carrying things when I’m doing nothing, the other was actually because I like the warmth of pizza boxes on my arms).

The boxes wobbled a little when I suddenly grabbed them off him, but luckily didn’t fall. That’s when I thought of what would have happened if it did fall and spill. I realised that the pizza that we’d been looking forward to so much would suddenly be treated as rubbish, merely for the reason that I didn’t want to talk to him.

So this is where the cosmic energy part comes in; somehow a voice from heaven managed to link this to what happens in relationships. If relationships were anticipated so much, but stretched and worn whenever people fought, then eventually one day the last straw would break it causing the relationship to be treated like the wasted pizza. Bam. Cosmic energy in action.

Of course, I had to work on it after that as well – cosmic energy doesn’t do everything for you, but it does start of something beautiful. It’s your choice to feed the fire logs to keep it running and reach its potential.



see you in my next post!

Joan Rivers

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